Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Accommodate Nursing Mothers

How to Accommodate Nursing MothersHow to Accommodate Nursing MothersHealthcare legislation, effective on March 23, 2010, amended the Fair Labor Standards Act to require employers to accommodate nursing mothers with a lactation area for expressing milk during their childs first year of life. Legislation Legislation for nursing mothers that is currently in place in24 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, will supersede the Federal legislation if their requirements for employer accommodation of nursing mothers offer more stringent accommodation. Forty-five states, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands have laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location. While exact details will be worked out by the Department of Labor, employers might want to look to the policy for nursing mothers already adopted in Oregon, since this welches the model for the adoption of the workplace accommodation for nursing mothers portion of the legisla tion. Earlier, we also recommended a lactation or breastfeeding policy that closely approximates the provisions of this law. If you had adopted this lactation policy, you are, for the most part, covered under this new nursing mothers legislation. According to Alston Birds labor and employment practice group, the new legislation, amends the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to require employers to provide time for nursing mothers to express breast milk. Specifically, Section 4207 of the new law, Reasonable Break Time for Nursing Mothers, provides that, for a period of up to one year following a childs birth, employers must give an employee reasonable break time each time she needs to express milk. The law also requires employers to provide a location, other than a bathroom, shielded from view and free from intrusion where the employee can express milk. Employers that are exempt from the legislation are those with 50 or fewer employees who can prove that accommodation of nursing mother s will, according to Alston Bird, create undue hardship by causing significant expense or difficulty in relation to the size, financial resources, nature or structure of the business. While the legislation states that the time provided is unpaid, the definition of reasonable break time and other details such as the exemption of a small employer because of undue hardship are undefined. The interpretation of the legislation for employers will be decided by the DOL. In the meantime, labor attorneys at Alston Bird suggest that you work with nursing mothers to accommodate their needs by providing time, a private space, and a supportive work climate. Nursing Mother Space Needs Employers will experience the most difficulty with providing a space that meets requirements. In one business currently, as an example, a private, handicapped-accessible restroom that accommodated one employee at a time was designated for nursing mothers. Accommodating only one employee and having a locking do or, a shower, a sink, a toilet, a comfortable chair, and fresh towels, the employer considered the space more than adequate for the needs of a nursing mother. Under the new legislation, this space may no longer qualify as it is a restroom. One hopes the Department of Labor will recognize the difference between a public, multiple employee-accommodating restrooms and a private, well-appointed space, also a restroom, which accommodates nursing mothers well. The United States Breastfeeding Committee provides creative solutions about options for space accommodation. These suggested solutions include spaces as diverse as a work vehicle with privacy panels to block outside view and a space in a mall store shared by several neighboring businesses. Like all aspects of health legislation, time, governmental agency guidelines and directives, and court decisions as a result of lawsuits will establish the final determinations for employers. Get ahead of the curve on workplace accommodation for n ursing mothers.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Taking Showers in Air Force Basic Training

Taking Showers in Air Force Basic TrainingTaking Showers in Air Force Basic TrainingThe skills obtained from just a few short months at basic military training in any branch of service is astonishing. One that you will immediately notice is how quickly you learn how to take a shower. Daily hygiene is required when attending any military training program. You will be required to clean yourself each day as you tend to get rather dirty and sweaty throughout the day during the constant movement that is Basic Military Training (Air Force), Boot Camp (Navy and USMC), or Basic Combat Training (Army). The military is a cross section of society of people from all over the nation, different socioeconomic groups, different ages and races. Many have different customs, traditions, and habits when it comes to cleanliness. One thing is for certain, the military takes this diverse group and turns them into a unit of military members with new but the saatkorn habits, discipline, and common challenges that unite the group into a team. One of the many things that conform to military standards of hygiene is taking daily showers. You will shower every night (including the first night ) at Air Force Basic Military Training (AFBMT). For the first couple of weeks, your shower will be very short (about two minutes). You will learn to wash quickly, and not waste time. You will find that the cool shower will be refreshing during the heat and humidity of the summer and a warm shower will be equally as nice during the colder months of the winter. In Air Force basic training, there is no privacy for the showers. At the end of the day, you will be tired. Too tired to worry about being naked in a shower with 20 other people who are equally focused on cleaning themselves in a quick 1-2 minute shower time. The shower is one large room, with several shower-heads. Everyone showers together. Dont let this worry you, however. Most recruits Ive talked to worried about this *before* basic training, b ut they all tell me *after* basic training, that it turned out not to be such a big deal. For the first couple of weeks, youre being yelled at, even in the shower, so you dont worry about anything other than getting the shower finished as fast as you can. After the first couple of weeks, when you get more timeand less yelling, its no longer a big deal. You will quickly become more efficient with your time. Here is an amusing story from a father of Air Force daughters.Before basic training, it would take my daughters a tiefpunkt of two hours to get ready to go anywhere. They used to get up two hours before they had to leave for school, each and every morning. If we traveled on the road, I would always have to wake them up in the motel a full two hours before I wanted to get on the road again. Getting ready for the world for a teenager can be challenging if the perfect hair, makeup, and breakfast are required before leaving the house. My daughter Christina was the first one to come home on her first leave (vacation) afterbasic trainingand technical school. The next morning, I wanted to take her out to breakfast. She woke up (on her own) at 0600 (600 AM), and was ready to go 30 minutes later. When Jeanie returned home three weeks later, it was the same thing. I never thought I would see the day where they could prepare for the day in less than 30 minutes. Not only were they ready to go and quite presentable, but their beds were also made before we went out the door something else I never thought Id see. Serving in the military will change you in many ways. You may find that waking up early is much easier than before Basic Military Training. You may find that eating a full meal can occur in a few minutes as well as daily showers. And you will have the uncanny ability to sleep anywhere. You will also react in crisis situations a much calmer thinker. Want to Know More About Air Force Basic Training? Surviving Air Force Basic Training

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Emerging leader spotlight Bank of Americas Lisa Bogart

Emerging leader spotlight Bank of Americas Lisa BogartEmerging leader spotlight Bank of Americas Lisa BogartEvery month we ask an emerging leader we admire to share what theyre doing to take the lead in their career. We invite them to share how they achieved their current position, what obstacles theyve encountered on their climb, as well as tips for how to be a rising leader of influence.This month we shine the Emerging Leader Spotlight on Lisa Bogart, Business Solutions Technology Manager with Bank of America.Favorite leadership prozentsatzMy son introduced me to this quote when he was a thirteen-year-old hockey player. Ive thought of this quote countless times when stepping out of my own comfort zone.You miss 100% of the shots you never take. - Wayne GretzkyWhy did you choose yur current career path?My path has taken many turns throughout my career. My current role was never planned. I have accepted several different roles through the years and Im thrilled I was given the opportun ity within technology. I deliver technical solutions to solve business needs which improve the experience for our customers and clients. Its a great time to be a woman in technology. Im able to use my professional experience in my community, encouraging girls to explore STEM fields through my work with Girls Scouts and the Western New York STEM Council.What is the most important thing you have learned that has been critical to your career success?Focus on your responsibilities and do your best. Embrace change and stay positive. Ive been very fortunate my performance has been recognized by leadership over the years, leading me to new roles.What key steps did you take to get to the role you are in today?As I mentioned before, Ive had great leaders who had confidence in my ability. They provided opportunities to take roles I wouldnt have known about or planned myself.What is your leadership style?I believe results come from the kollektiv and each person has unique strengths and contrib utions. If you care about their success, both personally and professionally, it makes a difference. The strong diversity inclusion culture at Bank of America helps our success as leaders, because when an individual feels their work and their voice matter, they do great things.What are some top tips you can recommend to other women who want to be recognized as high-potential emerging leaders?Get involved in company networks or groups external to your role. This adds another layer of responsibility, causing you to stretch yourself while youre expanding your network of peers and leaders. Bank of Americas L.E.A.D. for Women network has opened up many opportunities for me internally as well as within my community.Have you recently experienced a career or leadership challenge that you overcame? How did you overcome that challenge?We often face challenges with deadlines, resource constraints and many other impacts that are out of our control, as well as situations that we couldve handled differently. Id refer to one of your webinar sessions, The F Word Failure. It provided great advice on using a set back as a tremendous learning and growth opportunity. Its so important to stay positive and understand it is part of your development journey.What professional accomplishment or result have you achieved in the past year that you are proud of?Im fortunate that my role in technology allows me to see tangible results that positively impact our customers and clients throughout the year. Ive been selected to lead our area through a significant strategy change which will occur over the next year. Its exciting and challenging to progress through each milestone.Connect with Lisa onTwitterandLinkedIn.This article first appeared on Be Leaderly.

Monday, December 16, 2019

7 Things You Need to Learn to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

7 Things You Need to Learn to Become a Successful Entrepreneur7 Things You Need to Learn to Become a Successful EntrepreneurTo stay at the top of their game, entrepreneurs need be diligent when it comes to self-improvement. As an entrepreneur myself, Ive learned several tips and tricks at different points in my career to give me an edge over the competition. Below are seven of the most important.1. When to break the rulesRules are made to be broken, and the best entrepreneurs are those who know the rules as well as when to break them. Sometimes its only by breaking the rules that you end up with new inventions and innovations.2. When to quit and when to stickIt doesnt take entrepreneurs long to develop a sort of sixth sense about when its time to stick with something and when its time to cut their losses. Its a delicate balance to find but getting it right will save you a lot time on lost causes and let you better prioritize your work.3. How to live on a budgetEntrepreneurial life is nt always easy, and sometimes money and resources will be tight. If you can get used to living on a budget in your early days, itll hold you in good stead when times get tough. Itll also teach you more about budgeting and finances.4. How to find a ratgeberMany of the top entrepreneurs are only where they are today because they learned from yesterdays leaders. Having a mentor allows you to learn from their mistakes without having to repeat them. It also gives you access to new insights and knowledge that you might not previously have had access to. Plus, its always nice to know that someones got your back.5. How to read peopleDeveloping your communication skills and learning to read people will pay off in your personal life, as well as in your professional life. Remember that many entrepreneurs also find themselves acting as managers, and when youre managing people, you need to have top-notch people skills and to lead by example. Otherwise, you wont inspire them to reach their full p otential.6. How to make friendsThey say its not what you know, its who you know. Perhaps that saying is a bit clich, but the message is true enough. Making friends with other entrepreneurs will help you feel like part of the overall community. It can also lead to business deals and referrals. One great way to get noticed and to be remembered is to help other people out without expecting anything in return.7. How to acquire (and teach) new skillsLife is a series of lessons, and theres always something for you to learn if youre willing to put in the time and effort. Keith Springs of ProEssayWriting says, Weve witnessed a big increase in employee retention and engagement ever since we started running optional lessons on everything from web development to pottery, cooking, and more. If you start running lessons for employees, then you can take advantage of them yourself. Also, being the one who teaches the lessons forces you to know your subject matter inside and out.Becky Holton is a j ournalist and a blogger. She is interested in education technologies and is always ready to support informative speaking. Follow her on Twitter.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

5 Ways to Get Promoted When Youre in an Entry-Level Job - The Muse

5 Ways to Get Promoted When Youre in an Entry-Level Job - The Muse5 Ways to Get Promoted When Youre in an Entry-Level JobDespite the fact that you always dreamed of being that person who landed a corner office before you turned 30, youre somehow still toiling away at an entry-level job. Its rough wanting mora, but feeling indefinitely deckenfries at the lower rungs of the ladder. However, the more time you waste feeling sorry for yourself, the less time youre spending on improving your own career. And believe it or notlage, you can leverage your current position to launch yourself into your dream job. Or, at the very least, the next level at your current company. Its all about seizing the opportunity and knowing that success is closer than you might think.Here are five ways to make the most of your not-quite-dream job. 1. Design Your Dream Job, Then Strategically Bring Aspects of it Into Your Current RoleYou may not like everything your job entails right now, and you might think your e overqualified for the work that youre doing. But, rather than dwelling on that, use your time in this position as an opportunity to figure out where the overlap is between your interests and your strengths. As you go through your daily routine, ask yourself which specific tasks excite you (as well as which ones dont). What about those tasks are so enjoyable? Once you have an answer, set up a meeting with your manager to discuss your findings. Come prepared with some suggestions of how you can add one or two of your dream tasks into your schedule. Dont forget to explain why these tasks are good for the companys goals as well. As long as youre not putting off your other responsibilities, its likely your manager will say yes.Once you prove that youre capable of motivating yourself, youll be viewed as an asset to the organization. And the more you meet the new goals you set for yourself, the more your manager (and her manager) will respect you for taking the reins of your own career. When annual reviews come around, it will be harder than ever to not offer you a promotion. 2. Find a Mentor (or Two)You should have dreams. But you should also have a mentor whos accomplished a goal you desire. They can help guide you toward those dreams by offering realistic advice and guidance. There are all kinds of mentors, and its worth the effort to find more than one. In fact, research shows that its especially beneficial to have multiple, diverse mentors.Within the office, they can help you navigate the company culture, give valuable career development advice, and advocate for you when new opportunities open up. With that said, try connecting with at least one mentor in a department different from your own. He or she can not only offer a fresh perspective, but also expose you to new parts of the company- areas that might be more suited to the work you want to do. In addition, proactively seeking out a mentor demonstrates your enthusiasm and drive, all great qualities thatll make a difference when a new position opens up.3. Learn What Your Dream Job RequiresOftentimes, people get stuck in jobs because they simply dont believe they know enough about other industries or departments to change. Instead of hating on your college education for not preparing you for the real world, make a list of the information that would be helpful for you to know- and then get to work on finding and studying it. Use your interest as a guiding principle when doing research. This should be fun, and if youre on the right track, you probably wont want to stop researching. Read books, seek out articles, and find experts to study (or better yet, connect with). Learning everything about a world that excites you is easy to do considering how much information is at our fingertips. Being able able to reference that data and research when speaking about your ideas builds credibility and underscores your passion for another role- whether thats in a different part of your current organi zation or a completely different industry.4. Ask for FeedbackIf youve tried a few of the steps above, and you still cant put your finger on why you seem to be stuck in your current role, then its time to ask your team for feedback. Schedule a sit-down with your manager to discuss what youre doing well and what you should be working on to get promoted. While some of the feedback may be expected (You seem disinterested), some of it could be a surprise (You cant advance until you can single-handedly manage a client relationship). Its also very possible that your manager doesnt even know youd like to move up the ladder at your company- especially if youre coming off as unenthusiastic.And dont just stop at asking your boss- ask a few co-workers what they think your strengths are, as well as what you could work on. Odds are theyll be more withholding with the criticism than your manager is, but again, their answers might surprise you. Make sure to listen to what theyre not saying.5. Make Friends With People in Other DepartmentsEveryone knows that works more enjoyable when you have friends. Not only will they help you to feel more positive when youre in the office, but theyll serve as an awesome network within the company. After all, a team usually knows which positions are going to open up long before the general public, or even HR, is informed. While you should strive to make friends at various levels, its a good idea to make a buddy in a similar role who challenges you (and vice versa) to keep going after your goal of getting to the next level. Remember, right now you might be the low man (or woman) on the totem pole, but you are the CEO of your career. Take charge, and make the most of where youre at today. Even if these steps dont lead to a promotion at your current company, theyre preparing you for the next level somewhere. Photo of elephant flying courtesy of Shutterstock.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Low Down on Presume Meaning Exposed

The Low Down on Presume Meaning Exposed Before the very first interview, you need to have alerted your references your interviewer may be reaching out. Dont convey an assumption which you will be invited back for another interview. Bear in mind that in the event that you dont get another interview, it may not be because of you. Be sure that you draft follow-up communication whenever possible after your very first interview. Heres What I Know About Presume Meaning Concentrate on the factors you are able to control to give yourself your very best possibility of getting invited back. Presume is also used to refer to taking an attitude. The point looks like that its deadly. You are earning a guess when assuming that is the reason why people will feel something crazy about you. Before you attempt to purchase either product, know about your states laws. Thus, its important to think about the youngsters effort when evaluating a job, separating it from the outcome. The exact s ame isnt always true, however, for those who happen to have disabilities. The marijuana has to be prescribed by a certified physician. What Needs to be Done About Presume Meaning Before You Miss Your Chance So theres a fantastic chance our assumption is going to be proved to be incorrect. The meaning of appropriate names might be challenging pursuit since direct translations arent readily offered. Assume is used when theres no or little proof to generate a guess. Essentially, you make an assumption despite not having any good reason to achieve that. What You Dont Know About Presume Meaning Even in the event the automatic stay isnt in effect, your creditors cannot take your auto because its part of your bankruptcy estate and is guarded by the car exemption. A sloppily-written contract can cause the contract being unlawfully terminated before its been completed. If one party fails to carry out their duties, the contract might be terminated, and the non-breaching party could be in a position to recoup losses resulting from the breach. The non-breaching party may then be eligible to get a monetary damages award as a way to be compensated for their losses. In some instances a contract might be terminated, but the courts will enable the parties to fasson a new contract. Should you do, you are going to be known as a pro se litigant. An experienced lawyer will be able to help you submit a claim in court to be able to resolve disputes over termination of contract. People have many questions regarding divorce, what it involves, how to move ahead with a divorce and so forth. In general, Elizabeth is a huge name that appears really nice and professional, but its a difficult name to get if youve got a lengthy middle name and surname too As a consequence, both words receive a bit of a poor name. People who would like to be parents may go abroad if their home country does not permit surrogacy, or if they cannot locate a surrogate. The Appeal of Presume Me aning Presume may also be put to use as a verb within a sentence. Whichever definition youre trying for, you would like to make sure to use the most suitable word, so lets look at every of them closely. For people who confuse presume and assume, an analogy is simply the thing Examine the next sentence. This distinct quality of presume usually means that the word isnt a legitimate synonym of assume. Assume a way to suppose something but in this instance, you have zero proof for your supposition. At times, the verb assume gives the feeling of pretending ignorance. Presuming competence isnt something we do because we are an excellent person. Top Presume Meaning Secrets Its extremely hard to define, but here are a few general hints about its usage, and a couple examples. Moreover, both words have secondary definitions that are rather different. The answers to this one are far mora dire. A few practical methods and technical threads. To acquire accurate readings, its imperat ive that you are employing the correct sized arm cuff. Its quite normal for peoples blood pressure to modify throughout the night and day, or in various settings where you might take your blood pressure. Additionally, a kidney biopsy could be performed. Just take the measurement in a quiet spot.You dont wish to force the reader to experience the paper multiple times to determine what it all means. Further, additionally, it means to select the type of something. This change in meaning, subsequently, would result in an increase in organ donations. Help your son or daughter locate the communication system which works best for them. Aim low, and you may only expect low outcomes. Likewise, hemp can create some THC along with CBD, thus a test could be positive for THC even in the event that youve not used it. Erikson, on the flip side, focused on psychosocial improvement. The very first challenge is to try to recognize all the OJS instances that are accessible on the web.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The history of distance education [infographic]

The history of distance education infographic The history of distance education infographicPosted August 15, 2013, by Molly Wiltshire-BridleWant to know how you can study online? Check out our range of online courses and start todayTop courses in 2017Administration coursesAnimal Care coursesBuilding and Construction coursesCounselling coursesCommunity Services coursesNatural Therapy coursesNursing coursesNutrition coursesProject Management coursesReal Estate coursesSocial Work coursesTravel and Tourism courses ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice Administrator CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire O nlineMolly Wiltshire-BridleRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCareer changeMaking The Leap Into A New CareerIf you find yourself dreading the sound of the alarm, dragging yourself into work and wishing your day (and life) away, it might be time to think about changing jobs and maybe even totally transforming your career.AccountingFinanceAccountancy career bright spots despite a gloomy economic forecastSince taxes are one of the certainties in life, it stands to reason that jobs in accountancy are too.Career progressionPay/Salary9 Things You Should Never Say When Asking for a RaiseThe process of negotiating a salary is never straightforward and stress-free. It requires confidence, the right attitude and knowing how to approach your boss it crucial. See 9 things to NEVER SAY when asking for a pay rise.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Only 1% of Americans do this essential daily habit

Only 1% of Americans do this essential daily habitOnly 1% of Americans do this essential daily habitOnly 3%of Americans have written goals.Only one percent of Americans rewrite their goals on a daily basis.Giving yourself even five minutes per day to orient your life in the direction of your goals is the difference between success and average.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIf you dont give yourself time, every single day, to orient your life in the direction you want to go, then you will default to former habits and patterns.Life gets busy.Life is stressful.Its easy to forget what you really want.Its easy to disconnect from your purpose and priorities.Its easy to fall into autopilot and go through the motions.Its easy to watch several weeks or months go by and realize you havent made much progress on your goals.Its easy to let the little fundamentals slip.Its easy to default to consumption rather than organizing your life and environment for creation.Its easy to focus on the constraints of your circumstances rather than the power of your capabilities.Distraction fuels the need for more distraction.Addiction is an endless vacuum.Indecision and inaction lead to a loss of confidence, motivation, and hope.Success Is a ChoiceChoosing to be successful isnt a moral decision.You can be a good person or a bad person and be focused on your goals.You can be a good person and choose to be average.Its really your choice, the life you will live.Its your choice if youre going to be happy.Its your choice if youre going to be healthy.Its your choice if youre going to be financially successful.The decisions you make right now are a direct reflection of the person you will be in one, three, five, ten, and 20 years from now.When you look at yourself in the mirror, youre looking at your former selves choices, actions, and habits.Staying the CourseIt is fundamentally impossibl e to stay on a straight course without continually checking in to see how youre doing.If youre not reviewing your goals on a daily basis, then I can guarantee that your behavior and performance is sub-optimal.Without clarity of direction and purpose, behavior and motivation become erratic.Without orienting yourself, first thing in the morning, with who you are and what youre about, you will be going through the motions.Youll be disconnected from your purpose.Youll be disconnected in your relationships.Youll lack motivation and conviction.Youll allow low-level influences, activities, and actions to creep into your life.On an occasional basis when triggered by something random in the environment, youllrememberyour goals and dreams.Youll feel a quick rush of excitement and enthusiasm to get back on track.You may even engage in some powerful behaviors - like send positive and helpful messages to key relationships, go to the gym, write in your journal, or take action toward a goal.But u nless you establish a lifestyle of reviewing, remembering, and engaging with your goals and purpose daily, you will make minimal progress.In bestellung to make extreme progress, you need momentum.In order to get momentum, you need to be consistent.Not just consistent, but you need to continually be getting better.In order to get better, you need goals that youre actively pushing toward. For example, many people go to the gym but have no goals. They are simply moving their body and not getting better.In the bookTurning Pro, Steven Pressfield said, Addictions embody repetition without progress.Doing something over and over may be how you develop a habit. But habits dont guarantee success.Habits, if unchecked, actually create apathy, boredom, and a lack of engagement. Habits can lead to mindlessness.Consistency, not habits, is what youre after. You want to consistently show up and push through your current level.You want to get yourself focused and clear on what you want to achieve. Yo u then need to fuel that focus by taking powerful and bold actions, daily, toward your goals.As you take action toward your goals, your identity will change. Youll quickly begin to see yourself as the person you intend to become.Your personality will change.Your expectations will change.Your confidence will change.Your subconscious will change.Your results will change.Your environment will change.Youll be able to produce results, easily, that once took enormous effort.Your new normal will be beyond what your former selves dreams were.Your standards for yourself and your flexibility and empathy toward others will improve.Your appreciation for life will deepen. Your ability to feel and love will grow.Your reasons for living will change. Youll stop focusing on what you can get and simply try to be as helpful as you possibly can.Youll shift from consuming to creating.Youll stop focusing on your present circumstances and focus on the leverage you have to create new circumstances for your self and others.Youll change your life more for the sake of others than for yourself. Youll hold yourself to a higher standard so you can perform better work.Youll eat better because you cant put regular fuel in a Ferrari.Your goals will become bigger and longer-term.Confidence can be measured by how far out your goals are.Most people are living day-to-day because they dont have the confidence to see and believe in a bigger future.Confidence can be earned, but it must be earned every single day.You can create confidence with the choices you make and you can lose confidence with the choices you make.Your confidence reflects your self-trust.The more you trust yourself, the more willing you will be to do things that are beyond your current capability.The less you trust yourself, the less willing you will be to make decisions and commitments.ConclusionWhen welches the last time you wrote your goals?Did you write them down this morning?Did you set yourself up last night for success, or w ere you numb in distractions?Do you really love yourself?Do you care about yourself?If so, then why wouldnt you become successful?Why wouldnt you create a better life for yourself?Why wouldnt you get clear on who you are, what you stand for, and what you want?Why wouldnt you crystallize that clarity and create the confidence to actually create a better future and life for yourself?Why wouldnt you upgrade your standards and let go of the low-level influences and choices holding you back?Make the DecisionThis is one choice that will influence all others.Make the decision to start your day by writing your goals down.Then do your best throughout the day to align your daily behaviors with your future dreams.As you take daily steps toward your goals, your confidence will increase. As your confidence increases, your belief that you will succeed will grow.Your identity will change.Your environment will change.Your brain will change.You will change.You will succeed.This article first appeare d on Medium.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Resume Mistakes Grammar and Spell-Check Tools Dont Catch

Resume Mistakes Grammar and Spell-Check Tools Dont CatchResume Mistakes Grammar and Spell-Check Tools Dont CatchMany job seekers worry so much about the broader structure of their resumes that they fail to notice smaller spelling and grammar errors. Structure is important, of course, and you can, and should, use a reputable resume builder to get it right. But seemingly minor blunders, like a misspelled aber sicher or misplaced comma, can have as big an impact on your chances of job search success.Unfortunately, you cant always rely on grammar and spell-check tools to catch slip-ups- there are a number of resume mistakes that online screeners might not pick up. Below are seven such errors that you need to look out for.1. Missing commasIts fairly common for resume writers to forget to include a comma after an introductory clause (in a sentence like Launched during a particularly prosperous time for marketing, the company specializes in brand management) or between coordinate adjectives (in a phrase like write compelling, original content). Doing so can make a sentence clumsy and tricky to read, and yet grammar checkers often miss behauptung blunders. To get a feel for where commas should be added, read sentences aloud and listen for natural pauses in speech.2. Faulty parallelismWhen a sentence consists of various components in a series, each component must parallel the grammatical structure of the other components. When this isnt the case, faulty parallelism occurs. In a sentence like The job entailed not only overseeing major projects and updating the company report, but also budgets, the last phrase (but also budgets) should take the same ing form as the first two (i.e., it should read but also managing budgets). Breaking a sentence up into its constituents and then comparing them to each other makes it easier to spot these sorts of resume mistakes.3. Tense inconsistenciesIn a resume, the past tense should be used to describe previous experiences, and the prese nt tense should be used when talking about current roles and activities. Either way, consistency is key. Grammar and spell-check tools might catch verb tense inconsistencies within a single sentence (like in the phrase analyzed statistics and conduct assessments), but theyre unlikely to detect unwarranted shifts across sentences and bullets. Irregularities imply attention to detail isnt a priority for you, so scan your resume for tense errors before submitting it.4. Unnecessary capitalizationThis is an odd mistake to make, and yet its a surprisingly common one. Theres a tendency among writers to randomly capitalize common nouns in the middle of sentences, presumably in an attempt to draw attention to particular words. In a sentence like the following, for instance, theres no need to capitalize company or financial institutions The San Francisco-based Company offers its services to hospitals, hotels and Financial Institutions. Again, making careless errors like this calls your dilige nce into question.5. Dangling and squinting modifiersA modifier is a word or phrase that serves to qualify another word group, noun, adjective, verb, or adverb. When a modifier is dangling or squinting, its either illogically placed, so it qualifies the wrong word or phrase, or its ambiguously placed, so its not clear which word or phrase its meant to modify. An example is this sentence Having grown by 38 percent, the campaign boosted the brands Facebook following significantly (its the brands Facebook following, not the campaign, that grew by 38 percent). Because such resume mistakes are fairly subtle, grammar-check tools dont always detect them, and yet theyll likely confuse hiring managers and lower your chances of landing an interview.6. Run-on sentences and comma splicesA run-on sentence is one in which two or more independent clauses are erroneously connected (without a coordinating conjunction) in the case of comma splicing, clauses are incorrectly joined using only a comma ( for example, The campaign ran for six months, it was a huge success). This happens in resume writing when a job seeker tries to communicate an assortment of ideas- a range of accomplishments, for example- but fails to separate statements into distinct sentences or bullet points using the right punctuation. Such constructions tend to suggest a lack of thought clarity, and recruiters might find them distracting. A solution? When it doubt, separate points out.7.Misuse of homophonesHomophones, or words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings, can lead to some fairly awkward writing slip-ups. While most up-to-date grammar and spell-check tools will probably catch your use of youre instead of your or to instead of too, there are several more complex cases when either option could be correct (but, of course, only one carries the intended meaning). For instance, online checkers might not flag pour over when pore over was meant, or complementary when complimentary was t he target word. Needless to say, you need a discerning menschlich eye to detect such mistakes.Since 2005, LiveCareer has been helping job seekers create resumes and cover letters via its freeresume builderandcover letter buildertools. Also available are collections of free, professionally writtenresume templatesandresume samples, all of which are organized by industry and job title

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Successfully Network With Fellow Alum at Events

How to Successfully Network With Fellow Alum at EventsHow to Successfully Network With Fellow Alum at EventsHow to Make the Most of Your Next Alumni Networking EventThese networking tips will help you turn your next alumni networking event into a networking goldmine. Theres no denying the power of a valuable network. Studies show that youre 10 times more likely to land a job when your application is accompanied by a referral. And a survey by alumni networking platformAlumnifirefound that 90 percent of hiring managers would prefer to hire a fellow alumnus if given the option.Whether youreconducting a job search or wanting to advance your career, alumni networking events can be goldmines for uncovering important connections and resources.Below are a few guidelines to maximize the value of your nextalumnievent.Have a goal in mindBefore you go to the event, consider what you want to get out of the evening. For instance, are you looking for new clients or some reliable career advice? Set a clear goal youd like to accomplish at each get-together.Stay on brandWhether youre in the office or out with friends, youre representing yourpersonal brand. What do you want people to think when they think of you? Take your professional reputation into account when youre socializing with your former classmates.Step out of your comfort zoneCasual networking events at local watering holes can quickly turn into mini-reunions with the friends you already see on a regular basis. Force yourself to talk to at least three alums you dont know and would likely not interact with outside of this event. They have the fruchtwein potential to expand your network the furthest.Listen more than you speakNetworking and the job search are oftencompared to dating, and with good reason. Like any good first date, your goal is to listen more than you speak to the person in front of you. Remember, you were born with two ears and only one mouth follow the ratio.Pay it forwardAlways look for ways to provid e value to the person with whom youre speaking before you start asking for favors. The more you learn about them, the easier it will be to offer assistance (and get it in return). This could be anything from a restaurant recommendation to an introduction to someone in your existing network.Follow upIt seems so simple, and yet many of us flub this critical step in thenetworkingprocess. Think of each networking event as a speed dating exercise. If you get someones phone number but never call them afterward, the evening welches a waste. Similarly, the business cards you collect are only as valuable as what you choose to do with them after you get them. Reach out, follow up and start nurturing these connections to turn them into valuable and mutually beneficial relationships.Need help with your resume? Take advantage of ourfree critiquetodayNote This article originally appeared on Ladders.Recommended ReadingThe Networking Email That Works Every Time14 Reasons This is a Perfect Recent Co llege Grad Resume20 Essential Networking Tips for Introverts

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Web Developer Job Description Sample

Web Developer Job Description Sample Web Developer Job Description Sample Web Developer Job Description Sample This web developer sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements. Web Developer Job Responsibilities: The role is responsible for designing, coding and modifying websites, from layout to function and according to a clients specifications. Strive to create visually appealing sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation. Web Developer Job Duties: Regular exposure to business stakeholders and executive management, as well as the authority and scope to apply your expertise to many interesting technical problems. Candidate must have a strong understanding of UI, cross-browser compatibility, general web functions and standards. The position requires constant communication with colleagues. Experience in planning and delivering software platforms used across multiple products and organizational units. Deep expertise and hands on experience with Web Applications and programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and APIs. Deep functional knowledge or hands on design experience with Web Services (REST, SOAP, etc ..) is needed to be successful in this position. Strong grasp of security principles and how they apply to E-Commerce applications. Web Developer Skills and Qualifications: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Web Programming Skills, E-Commerce, Teamwork, Verbal Communication, cross-browser compatibility, Web User Interface Design (UI), Security Principles, Object-Oriented Design, Web Services (REST/SOAP), Multimedia Content Development, APIs Employers: Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers: Search jobs and apply on now. Learn more about how to hire: Managing Stress at Work: Retrain your Brain To Hire the Best, Professionalize your Interviewing The Key to Self-Motivation and Employee Motivation

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dog Trainer Certification Programs

Dog Trainer Certification Programs Dog Trainer Certification Programs While certification is not a requirement for dog trainers, there are many training programs and internships that offer certifications to enhance a trainer’s credentials. These are some of the most popular certification program options for those hoping to work in this business. Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) is perhaps the best-known program for dog trainers and offers two certification levels: CPDT-KA and CPDT-KSA. In November 2013, there were 2,386 CPDT-KAs and 121 CPDT-KSAs worldwide. Exams are administered each spring and fall to qualified applicants. The CPDT-KA (Knowledge Assessed) requirements include documentation of at least 300 hours of dog training within the last three years, passing a 250 multiple choice question exam, submitting an attestation statement from a CPDT member or veterinarian, and signing a code of ethics. The CPDT-KSA (Knowledge and Skills Assessed) requirements include holding a current CPDT-KA credential, uploading a passport photo, submitting a video of four designated training exercises (using four different and unfamiliar dogs), submitting a video of the candidate coaching three clients with different dogs, and maintaining continuing education requirements. International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) offers two canine-focused certification levels: Associate Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (ACDBC) and Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC). Continuing education hours are required to keep a trainer’s certification current. ACDBC requirements include at least 300 completed hours of animal behavior consulting with clients, 150 hours of education, two case studies, species-specific knowledge, assessment skills, and letters of recommendation. CDBC requirements include three years (500 hours) of animal behavior consulting with clients, 400 hours of education, three written case studies, discussion of four case scenarios, questions relating to species-specific knowledge and assessment skills, and letters of recommendation. Association of Animal Behavior Professionals (AABP) The Association of Animal Behavior Professionals (AABP) offers a Certified Dog Trainer program (AABP-CDT). Requirements include 300 hours of professional training within the last five years, 30 hours of supervised skills development, proof of insurance, a proficiency exam, and two references. A Behavior Consultant certification path is also available. Certified Behavior Adjustment Training Instructor (CBATI) The Certified Behavior Adjustment Training Instructor (CBATI) program is offered in several countries around the worldâ€"United States, Europe, and Australiaâ€"and is designed for trainers working with aggressive and fearful dogs. Certification is valid for three years. To become a Certified BAT Instructor, a candidate must have at least 200 hours of training experience, submit a practical skills assessment on video, and pass a written exam with essay components. Trainers who complete a five day BAT Instructor course do not have to pay the $300 exam fee. International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) The International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) offers a Certified Dog Trainer certification (IACP-CDT). Applicants for certification must have at least two years of experience in dog training and at least six months of membership with the IACP. After passing the CDT exam, a candidate becomes eligible to take the CDTA (Certified Dog Trainers Advanced) exam which includes a video evaluation of the trainer’s skills. National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI) The National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI) was established in 1965 and is billed as the oldest certification organization for dog trainers. Certified membership involves a minimum of five years experience in obedience training( with at least with two years as a head instructor), experience working with at least 100 dogs, documenting time spent teaching groups for at least 104 hours or private lessons for at least 288 hours and passing a written essay test. Additional specialty certification areas include Puppy, Novice, Open, Utility, Tracking, and Basic Agility. Karen Pryor Academy The Karen Pryor Academy (KPR) offers a six-month Dog Trainer Professional program leading to the KPA-CTP (Certified Training Partner) designation. The course includes both online coursework of approximately 10 hours per week and four intensive weekends of hands-on learning with a professional trainer. Tuition is significant at $5,300 but some scholarship funds are available. KPA courses do count for continuing education credit with the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Tips for De-Escalating Conflict in a Work Environment

Tips for De-Escalating Conflict in a Work Environment Tips for De-Escalating Conflict in a Work Environment At some point in your college career, you will be engaged in some form of conflict. Whether its a  college roommate  situation, working with a team for one of your class projects, working with others doing community service, participating in an internship, or working a part-time job. Conflict is one of those things that often just happens and if you find yourself unprepared to deal with it, it can pose some serious consequences. Here are eight tips for de-escalating conflict: Don’t Avoid Conflict Since conflict is sometimes unavoidable, trying to avoid it when it already exists can result in serious consequences. Keeping things to yourself when a problem arises will not only make you anxious but offers little chance of finding a solution. By speaking up and communicating about the cause of your stress, you are opening up the lines of communication which then open the door for negotiation. If problems are left to simmer- rather than addressing them in a calm and respectful manner- they can easily escalate into heated arguments which may cause irreparable damage to an otherwise salvageable relationship. Avoid Being Defensive Being defensive is a tactic that does not lead to a positive outcome when dealing with conflict. Rather than listening to the other person’s point of view and understanding their complaint, many people innately respond by defending themselves. They fail to consider that there may be a middle ground. Defensiveness can be problematic because instead of the other person feeling as if they’re being heard, they walk away feeling discounted and have an overall sense that the other person is not willing to work together in order to iron things out. Avoid Overgeneralizations Overgeneralizing often adds fuel to the fire. Statements like “you always” and “you never” are usually met with defensiveness and in most cases, they just aren’t totally true. Work to See Both Sides Often there is no right way or wrong way of doing things. The ability to see both sides of the situation can take the steam out of any argument. In the situation of college roommates, you have two people who may come from very different backgrounds who are trying to live in one very small room together. One student may prefer to study with the music on while the other requires an early bedtime and resents the fact that they do not have a quiet space in which to retire. This is a situation where conflict resolution can be helpful by having two people work to find a way that will meet both of their needs. For example, perhaps the student who is playing music can use headphones so they dont disturb the other roommate. Avoid Playing the Blame Game Resolving conflict is a great opportunity to help improve a situation and ultimately offers a way to  create healthy relationships. When you are in the heat of the moment and experiencing conflict, dont express that nothing is your fault. By not taking responsibility for your part of the problem, you are not being resourceful in finding ways to improve the situation and mend the relationship. Avoid the Need to Be Right If you think you have to win every argument or discussion, you are losing the chance to develop a stronger and more honest relationship. Of course, no one likes the feeling that they’re accused of being wrong; even if they are wrong. However, the need to be right all the time usually stems from a lack of self-confidence. If you find yourself in a discussion of I’m right and you’re wrong, try to see the humor in the situation which goes far to de-escalate any conflict. Don't Attack Someone's Character Lobbing a character attack is one of the quickest ways to destroy a relationship. Declaring that another person is lazy, inconsiderate or dishonest will only lead to hurt feelings and perhaps retaliation with no chance of improving the situation. Don't Stonewall By stonewalling and not listening or taking the other person’s complaints seriously, you will likely create a feeling of frustration in the other person. No one likes to feel as though theyre not being listened to. By ignoring them and what they have to say, you are saying that you do not care about their opinion and that you do not respect the relationship.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Six easy steps to make you more resilient

Six easy steps to make you more resilient Six easy steps to make you more resilient When I joined the FBI, the FBI’s transfer policy stipulated that I could be sent anywhere in the U.S. - the needs of the Bureau would always come before my own. After I told myself that I was resilient and could survive transfer-hell, I learned that every few years the FBI’s transfer policy changed! My biggest fear was to be transferred to a dead-end outpost in the middle of nowhere. The constant threat of change and upheaval made me doubt whether I was resilient enough to always land on my feet.Change frightens us because it is a voyage into the unknown. Ironically, since the unknown forces us to adapt to new circumstances, it is also the place where we can develop new talents and strengths. If we are resilient, we can embark on a journey that moves us beyond self-limiting beliefs, boredom, and lack of confidence.Change is the great dream of every heart because it moves us closer to our full potential. To refuse the challenge that comes with change can be a great act of self-ne glect.If you have mental toughness, you will do anything to break the cycle of behavior that disempowers you. To push beyond your limits takes a resilient mind. It requires you to move into your discomfort zone and cross a threshold that awakens a variety of emotions such as confusion, fear, excitement, sadness - and yes, dreams.There should always be a healthy tension between the life we have settled for and the potential that still calls us.Here are 6 easy steps to make you more resilient:1. Make a planIt’s very important that we find ways to feel relaxed with the new direction life is taking us, even if it is unwanted or unexpected. Plans are an easy way to make us feel comfortable and in control.According to social psychologists, we feel the most comfortable and in control of life when our thoughts and feelings are consistent with our behavior. When we think or feel one way, and then behave in a manner that is inconsistent, it produces cognitive dissonance. This creates the a nxiety we experience when we try to justify stressful behavior.Plans create a roadmap that can help us work through the stress that is produced when we need to be resilient in the face of change. They are a safety net that gives our mind reason to believe that we are in control. Therefore, we’re more comfortable when we need to make a break from the past.How To Make It Work For You: If you are going to change by moving into your discomfort zone, you need to have a strategy in mind of how you’re going to do it. Keep it simple, and review it often to make sure you’re still on course.2. Ask yourself lots of questionsOur brain is uber alert for change of any kind in our environment. When our limbic brain detects an abnormality, our animal instinct takes over. As a result, our first reaction is to fight, flee, or freeze. None of these reactions produce the results you need to be resilient in the face of change.Instead, rewire your brain. Psychologist Marilee Adams suggests that que stions can virtually rewire our emotions, thoughts, and behavior. According to her research, the probing questions that we ask ourselves can open up our mind. We are then receptive to new information and connect it to what we already know. This allows our brain to assimilate new knowledge about our circumstances so we can develop a comfort zone that lessens stress.How To Make It Work For You: Ask questions that probe the facts surrounding your new situation. Questions are piercing little darts that expose hidden anxiety. Once they elicit an honest answer from us, we are able to name the beast in the room - that is, the fear we are experiencing. It is, however, essential to honestly name what is going on before you can trigger change in emotion, thought, or behavior.3. Take small but steady steps forwardWhen change is foisted upon us, we’re often left with an overwhelming feeling that at the end of the day we can only accept our fate. While that is true to some degree, a resilient mind will find ways to adapt and adjust in a way that will leave it in control.Small wins are critical because they make the change real. They also create the opportunity to build momentum. Confidence is produced as we move past our self-limiting beliefs and become more resilient.How To Make It Work For You: The way to adapt to new circumstances is to look for opportunities to improve your situation in small, continuous steps. Continuous improvement is key because it also implies steady movement forward. Small steps allow you to make changes, monitor the results, and then adjust as needed.4. Get rid of doubtersWhether you chose your new circumstances, or they were foisted upon you, doubters and haters are likely to rear their ugly head. There are people who spew negativity wherever they go, and if you’re smart you’ll turn on your heel and head in the opposite direction.This is not so easy when the doubters are members of your own family. As they say, “Pick your friends well b ecause you’re stuck with family.” It’s important to realize that most people are negative as a result of their own problems and issues.Be very intentional about those with whom you share your plans and dreams. Think about how you might connect with people who are wiser and more experienced than yourself. If there are people who will not support you, don’t spend as much time with them, or limit how much you see them.How To Make It Work For You: Identify two or three (or more) people you admire and respect with whom you can sit down with on a quarterly basis to review your progress. These are the same people you can turn to when times get tough as well.5. Develop new, better habitsNew circumstances may require new habits so we can remain diligent and resilient.Psychologist Wendy Wood suggests that 40% of the time we don’t actually think about what we’re doing. This is because our mind is trained to fall back on habitual behaviors.Habits are hard to break because they are f ound in deeper structures of the brain. This leaves much of our working memory available to deal with everyday surprises and situations. Habits don’t need as much of the brain’s energy, so changing them takes a lot of attention.How To Make It Work For You: A change in your situation is the perfect time to establish new habits because the old ones are more easily disrupted. Immediately replace an old habit with a new one. Stay aware of a change until it becomes a new habit. Don’t push yourself too hard or too fast because this may only cause you to slip up.6. Grit upWimps are not resilient because they don’t know how to move forward when the going gets tough or uncomfortable. They roll over and play it safe. Grit is your ability to persevere over the long-run and thrive despite all kinds of unplanned events.As leaders, entrepreneurs and business owners, grit is an essential skill because it is the one thing you will need to succeed. If you give up when the going gets tough, y ou’re done.Talent does not trump determination. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Grit, persistence, and determination will keep you moving ahead when your circumstances and environment has changed.How To Make It Work For You: Face your problems head on. It isn’t your problems that define you - it’s how you react and recover from them. Your problems are not going away unless you do something about them. Do not quit when you feel you can no longer deal with a crisis. Have the grit to stay in the game but be flexible with your idea of what is “right” as you approach your new situation.This article first appeared on

Friday, November 15, 2019

Protect Your Full-Time Job While Working a Side Hustle

Protect Your Full-Time Job While Working a Side Hustle Protect Your Full-Time Job While Working a Side Hustle So, you’re ready to join the gig economy, but you aren’t ready to leave your full-time job. Well, take heart, because you aren’t alone. An Intuit study found that among all side-hustling Americans, 41 percent also have traditional part- or full-time jobs. Side hustling in your spare time is a great way to supplement your income and even transition into business ownership, so it’s not surprising that it’s so common in today’s workforce.     Still, many side-hustlers with full-time jobs share a common worry: What happens if your boss finds out? If you share that concern, take these steps to protect your full-time job while pursuing your personal ambitions. Review Your Company Policy on Side Jobs There’s a decent chance that your company hasn’t directly shared its feelings about side hustles, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check. Begin by reviewing the legal documents you signed when you joined the company, which may include: Employment contract: This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of your employment. Put simply, it states what you and your company can expect from one another. This includes your salary, the terms of your employment (i.e., full-time, part-time, contract, etc.), the hours in a typical workweek, responsibilities, benefits, and yes, loyalty expectations. Many companies, especially start-ups, are wary of employees who split their focus with another job, regardless of whether you manage it in your free time. Comb the language to learn whether your boss has already taken a stance on this issue. Non-disclosure agreement: Companies have a right to protect their profitability, and a non-disclosure agreement prevents employees (past and present) from sharing sensitive information like trade secrets, business strategies, income reports, and other internal data. As a freelancer, benefitting from your inside knowledge is legally risky, and it’s wise to insulate your side gig from unethical business practices.Non-compete clauses: This contract protects your employer by limiting your ability to compete with them in the same industry after you leave the company, usually for a specified period of time. State laws often  affect the enforceability of NCCs after you leave your job, but you’ll run into serious risks if your side hustle and current position share any common ground. Read the language carefully and consult an attorney if you need clarification. Respect Your Company’s Time and Resources It’s no secret that employers monitor their staff’s online activity. While your boss may not mind a few wasted minutes on Facebook, running your business on company time is another story. Using your work computer to manage side hustle clients or run your e-commerce site is a big no, especially if you’re doing it at work. When you mix professional time, you run the risk of being found out via tech monitoring- or worse yet, by a boss looking over your shoulder. Be respectful of your company’s time and resources by taking your gig ambitions offsite and using your own tools to succeed. That means steering clear of the office supplies, printing services, software licenses, and even your workplace laptop. Using these resources is probably a clear violation of your employment contract, and even if it’s not, put yourself in your boss’s shoes and make the prudent choice. If you can’t avoid your side business during the day, take your personal computer to a coffee shop over lunch. That said, it’s also a good idea to lock down your business’s social media activity during work hours to avoid the appearance of misusing your time.   Don’t Recruit Coworkers We all make friends at work, and while you might be tempted to involve your coworkers in your personal business, think twice before acting. Your workplace peers signed the same legal contracts with your employer, and involving them would put both of your jobs in jeopardy. Just as you shouldn’t use company office supplies and resources, you also shouldn’t rely on Dave from accounting to set up Quickbooks for your side gig. There’s good news when it comes to keeping your pen out of the company ink: The gig economy has millions of other freelancers for you to connect with. Consider outsourcing your needs to fellow pros using Fiverr, TaskRabbit, or other gig job site. This strategy will help you establish connections, grow your side business, and avoid compromising your full-time job. Talk to Your Boss Keeping a secret usually means living with stress, and hiding your side hustle might not be worth the mental anguish. Assuming you haven’t violated any company policies, your boss might be open to your freelancing ambitions. If you have a good working relationship, consider scheduling a meeting in the interest of transparency. Highlight the reasons you started a side business and make it clear that your role at the company comes first. If talking to your boss seems overwhelming, run your concerns past the HR department, highlighting your desire to respect company policies and behave honestly. Side hustling can a lucrative and fun way to enhance your life, and a few safeguards can help things run smoothly. Arrange your priorities and protect your full-time income along the way.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to negotiate and evaluate more than one job offer

How to negotiate and evaluate more than one job offer How to negotiate and evaluate more than one job offer You’re interviewed at several companies and now you have two offers. It’s a position that 59% of job seekers have found themselves in, according to a new survey from Robert Half.It’s a great position to be in, but it creates its own set of problems. How long do you have to make up your mind? A majority of people (58%) said they made their decision in two days â€" but there’s wiggle room if you’re open with your communication. After all, there may be a few options you want to pursue: what’s the etiquette for effectively negotiating the two offers between each other? And how do you compare job offers in a way that takes the whole package into account, not just salary?Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Ladders spoke to Steve Saah, executive director of Robert Half Finance and Accounting, about how to handle competing job offers and how to decide which one is right for you.If you have two offers and are trying to figure out how long you have to decide to pick one or the other, how much time you have “comes down to open communication and dialogue,” said Saah. “From a general common courtesy standpoint, three to four days is probably typical. But it’s not unheard of to want to extend that for a variety of reasons.”Up-front communication with both sides is key, and you, while there’s wiggle room if you play your cards right, you don’t want to overplay your hand.“I would advise people to use language around, ‘If this is acceptable, I’d like to get back to you around…’ and then fill in the blank around what that time frame is,” said Saah.It’s possible to leverage one salary against the other, Saah said, if one company is offering more than the other. There’s nothing wrong with “educating” the other company about the other salary and letting them know about what it would take for you to “come on board,” Saah said. But he encourages candidates to look beyond simply compensation.“While everybody would like to make more money, the ultimate thing is, what are the most important things that are most critical to them?  What type of advancement opportunities are there within the organization? Work-life balance, flexibility, the ability to telecommute are all very important to people in today’s market. What are the long-term prospects at Organization A versus Organization B?”Not all compensation packages are created equal“People tend to compare base salary to base salary. While cash flow is extremely important, there are so many other components of a salary package that you should be taking into consideration so that you’re making a true apples-to-apples comparison.”Consider, for example, the quality and the cost of healthcare between the two organizations.Said Saah, “While compensation is always important, I think it’s better for people from a long-term career perspective to take a l ittle bit of a step back and think about what’s most important to them and allow those things to drive their decisions.”“It’s really important for people to step back and look at the total package when evaluating multiple offers.”You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

This short farm boy story will motivate the heck out of you

This short 'farm boy' story will motivate the heck out of you This short 'farm boy' story will motivate the heck out of you “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T. S. Eliot- - - Ezra Taft Benson was a religious leader who simultaneously served as the 15th United States Secretary of Agriculture during both presidential terms of Dwight D. Eisenhower.Benson grew up on a farm in Whitney, Idaho. One day in 1915 at the age of 16, he was hired by a neighboring farmer to thin a field of sugar beets. When he got to his field of labor, he squinted as he scanned the field. It was just dawn and still too dark to see the whole horizon.But that’s what farmers did.They woke up before sunrise and got to work.They didn’t complain about the pain of waking up. They just did it. Because the law of the harvest is always in effect. And the fields need to be tended to.Most people couldn’t be farmers in today’s society. We’ve grown far too soft. We don’t know what it really takes to do a full-days’ work.As Ezra scanned the fields that lay before him, and with h is short-handled hoe in hand, a peculiar thought popped into his head.This thought somewhat surprised him actually. But it fixed itself deep into his mind and shifted his attitude and behavior dramatically.“If I work as hard as I can, I wonder how much I can do in a day?”That was the thought.He became insanely curious about that one thing - how much could I possibly do?A variation of this thought could be - how far could I possibly go?With that curious intention in his mind and heart, he began working. The sun was just starting to peer over the Idaho mountain peaks. The air was crisp, but soon to become blazing hot.Mid-way through the day and with sweat dripping down his face, he kept thinning the beet field.He only stopped to drink and eat for brief moments, and continued to work continuously until the sun set beyond the mountains on the opposite horizon.He was so busy working that he hadn’t actually realized how much it did. Only after he stopped did he look back and reali ze, with a bit of alarm, that he had thinned a full acre of beets in a single day! This was an unheard of amount of work for a single person - let alone a 16 year old kid.When the farmer who hired Ezra saw the boy’s work, he was shocked.“How did you do this?” the man questioned.Ezra’s eyes were piercing, despite the fact that he looked physically exhausted. There was a confidence and stature that wasn’t there earlier that morning.“I just wanted to see how far I could go,” Ezra responded.The farmer dropped two silver dollars and two five-dollar gold coins into Ezra’s hand. Ezra could hardly believe it. That was the most money he had ever held in his hand. This was a small fortune. His mind began to spin. He soul began to float heavenward with confidence and excitement.As he walked the few miles back to his farm, his mind danced. His heartbeat was quick. He felt like the richest man in the world. And he was - because he now had a confidence and level of self-trust th at you can’t actually buy with money.He had just watched himself push his own boundaries. His worldview of himself was ripped wide open and he stepped out of the limiting confines of his previous self-definition.His curiosity led him to greater confidence and greater rewards than his imagination initially conjured.Most people are curious about how little they can doMost people are curious about the exact opposite of what Ezra was curious about.Most people are interested in how little they can do.Joe Polish, the founder of Genius Network, has a great saying. He says that, “Winners find ways to be winners and losers find ways to be losers.”It actually takes a lot of ingenuity and creativity to be unsuccessful.Polish describes his time as a drug-addict, and about how much effort and thought it took to keep up his life. He was incredibly resourceful to get his drugs and to hide his stories and deceptions from family, friends, and others.It takes a lot of work and curiosity to be a failure.It takes a lot of energy to continually convince yourself that you’re not worth a damn.It takes a lot of hard work and energy to pretend you’re working at work when in reality, you’re doing anything but work.What if you flipped the script on yourself?What if, rather that seeing how small you could be, you saw how great you could be?This has nothing to do with ego.This has nothing to do with arrogance and pride.Rather, this has everything to do with curiosity and truth.- - - Who are you to play small?Who are you to not be insatiably curious about what is possible?Who are you to not be an incredible example to those around you?Who are you to not live every single day - especially today - to see how far you can go?Who are you to not push the boundaries of not only your own life, but of the entire human race?Why aren’t you showing us what’s freaking possible?Why aren’t you shocking and surprising everyone with how much you’re accomplishing and how beautiful yo u’re living?Where is your creativity and curiosity?Where is your imagination?What if you let your imagination for what could be drive you to see how far you could go?What if you got so absorbed in the possibilities that you stopped keeping track of time?What if you stopped paying attention to all of the noise and distractions around you, because your life was so full of beautiful people and meaningful work?What if you were continuously humbled by the size of your dreams and ambitions?- - - Who are you to be brilliant?“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne WilliamsonWho are you to be brilliant?Who are you to think bigger for yourself?Who are you to get wildly curious about the possibilities?Like Ezra, my question for you is this: How far will you go?How much could you possibly do?In 3 months from now when 2019 comes rolling by, and when everyone is setting the New Years’ Resolutions - which will quickly evaporate as they adapt back into their addictions and environment - where will you be?When 2020 comes rolling around, where will you be?How steep is your growth curve?How far is your trajectory?Is it light-years beyond anything you’ve ever seen anyone do?This is your time.How far will you go?How much could you do?That’s the question you should be asking yourself.Ready to  Upgrade?I’ve created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet here!This article first appeared on Medium.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How to Confront Your Boss - The Muse

How to Confront Your Boss - The Muse How to Confront Your Boss Let’s face it: In life, there’s feedback, and then there’s feedback. Some feedback is pretty easy to give with a smile, some honesty, and good intentions. For example: To a colleague; “Hey I totally loved that presentation/those shoes/your cat dressed as Katy Perry’s Left Shark on Instagram. You rock!” To a team member: “I love that you put so much effort into last week’s event. Thank you! Here are just a few ideas of how you can make things even better next time…” To your mom: “I love you, Mom, truly, but please stop buying me underwear. I’m 29!” But there’s the other type of feedback, the kind that no one ever wants to give: feedback to the dude who pays your salary. I get it. I’ve had managers who were self-serving, abrupt, sexist, patronising, shirking suck-ups. (His name was Scott. If you’re reading this, Scott, take this as your feedback.) And I was too inexperienced back then to know how to give him feedback that might have not only eased our sticky relationship, but made him a much nicer manager in the future. That’s just it, though: Giving feedback to a higher-up is tough. But, whether your boss is acting inappropriately in meetings, has made a total blunder, or is just doing something that makes your working life totally miserable, giving feedback that’s courteous, respectful, and direct can go a long way in making your relationship better. When you’ve got a tough conversation to have with your boss, you might find it easier to have a format to hang it on. Otherwise there’s the possibility of your “feedback” turning into a sweaty, rambling rant, ending only in tears and you being escorted from the building. Nope, if you’re going to man up enough to do this, you’re going to do it right. And here’s how. Step 1: Context Launching into a personal attack is rarely effective when you’re talking to anyone- let alone your boss- so you need to set the scene. At this point, your boss might have no clue that he has done anything wrong (or he could be the type who does know but doesn’t care, in which case you need a stronger intervention than this). Start by giving him time to warm up to the idea that an unpleasant conversation is about to drop right into his lap. Scott [yes, he’s our fall guy], since last week’s event, something you did/said/didn’t do has been playing on my mind. And rather than keep worrying about it, I thought it better to get it out in the open. I don’t like confrontation, so this might be tough for me, but if we’re going to move forward I’d rather tackle it now. Step 2: The Emotional Bit Yes, it’s what we’re taught in all of those I Love Him, Why Can’t He Love My Brand of Crazy? relationship books. Basically, you’ve got to take the heat out of the moment. Once you’ve dropped the fact that you have a problem in your manager’s lap, he might feel defensive or under pressure, but you can move the conversation forward by shifting the focus from to you. Think: “When you did X, it made me feel Y.” Or: Scott, at last week’s event, when you shouted at me in front of my colleagues and our customers, it made me feel embarrassed/belittled/humiliated/like kicking you in the shins. The good bit? Nobody can dispute how you felt. They might differ on how events unfolded, but they can’t argue with how it made you feel. Winner. Step 3: Focus on the Future So, now you’ve explained the way in which your boss acted like a total doofus, and you’ve calmly discussed exactly how that made you feel. (All of which was horrible and tense and made your legs go shaky like the time you called your teacher “Mom” in class.) So, now what? Now it’s time to show your boss that you’re excited to move past this incident and to find practical steps you can take to improve the climate of your relationship- or at least downgrade it from a hurricane to just a bit gusty. Focus your language here less on The Incident and more on how you can both do things differently in the future. Scott, I realize that I made a mistake, but I would have responded better to private feedback rather than being confronted in the meeting. How can we approach this situation differently in the future? Would it be helpful to touch base before meetings to make sure we’re on the same page, for me to send you reports before presenting to the team, or to have a weekly one-on-one? By having your boss work with you to improve how you work together, you’re suddenly a team, working together on a project that’s of real importance. The added bonus is that you’re not left struggling with this issue alone. A problem shared is a problem halved, even if it is with a complete asshole with unfortunate people skills. You’re not left wrestling with how to solve it- you’ve made it as much your boss’ problem as it is yours. I won’t say that giving feedback is easy, especially when you’re wrestling with your own pompous, unbearable version of Scott. But in many cases, those few moments of awkwardness can lead to years of a better working relationship. And if not? Well, then do what I did all those years ago. Play along nicely until he, inevitably, gets fired on what was my best ever Tuesday morning in the office. Good luck! Photo of woman listening courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

One of the Most Incredibly Neglected Systems for New Graduate Nurse Resume

One of the Most Incredibly Neglected Systems for New Graduate Nurse Resume Lies You've Been Told About New Graduate Nurse Resume In truth, it is the section where the reader's very first glance will fall on. You are going to want to be certain you've included information that will attract attention and result in an interview. Bear in mind, you're likely to desire a companion cover letter to truly increase your odds of landing the interview. Each cover letter needs to be customized to the individual facility, not utilize generic terms. Top New Graduate Nurse Resume Choices Whether you're ready to go into the area or are already employed as an RN, there are steps to take to provide help. The best way to locate an RN job is to search online for an appropriate position. If you find yourself with an amazing job application, after that hopefully you ought to have the ability to include things like a chance to locate a promising service provider employment position. The next thing to do is to begin honing the technical skills necessary to execute the job. Nursing can be a difficult job field to break into even if you've got a good deal of experience in the area. Detecting a job in the health care industry won't be difficult if your New Grad Nursing resume has all of the critical details on your abilities and other qualifications. A nursing residency program isn't a prolonged orientation. This Registered Nurse Resume Sample will assist you with this undertaking. The resume maker is quite strong and a wonderful amount of control without being overwhelming. The capacity to edit your work application from any place in the whole world is undoubtedly a significant asset that you're ready to use to help you land that forthcoming congrats. The quickest way to finish a work application is to ensure you've got the information that you feel you will need prior to starting. Studying resumes of individuals who hold, or have held the type of job you're going after, is also beneficial. If you are in possession of a very good GPA highlight it. Job application themes can be ideal for ideas but take the opportunity to produce your personal formatting. Not only is it unethical to lie on a work application, it really is illegal! Some job applications need additional info to be submitted along with the application itself. What New Graduate Nurse Resume Is - and What it Is Not The new graduate registered nurse without healthcare experience shouldn't be overly concerned about her or his lack of experience for a nurse. It permits you to observe how nursing resumes are most frequently formatted, and the way you can structure your very own new grad nursing resume. With those ideas, you will be in a position to compose a good student nursing resume that lands you more interviews. A new grad nursing resume needs to concentrate on any appropriate training in the health care industry that you have together with your professional qualifications, even if they're only tangentially linked to nursing. Nursing schools also might want to think about a residency choice for faculty that are necessary for practice experiences in new settings. You ought to be mentally flexible since if you own a patient that's non-compliant or a doctor who is having a poor day, you should have alternative techniques to fix problems and make everyone happy, states Michelle Katz, LPN, MSN. Whether you're a student nurse or a skilled nurse, there's always something you can be learning. Now comes the difficult part, nailing your very first nursing job. If this New Grad Nursing resume example was not sufficient for you, you're absolutely free to review a few other samples and templates from our website. If you can't locate any testimonials, you can ask for references. All information ought to be accurate and up-to-date. The absolute most important info to highlight are any degrees you might have. Strong communication skills will be crucial for each one of the above scenarios. These resumes are mad e by our group of experts, and this template will let you prepare that compelling resume that you are searching for which will showcase your abilities and candidature in the greatest possible way. It's what the employer will take a look at when deciding whether to see you. Employers search for candidates with strong soft skills since these are indicators of succeeding at work. You must mention your career objective at the summit of your resume. As a recent graduate, you may consider describing volunteer experiences and a few of your accomplishments as a student, especially should they line up with terms from the work description. The procedure for crafting one may be especially hard for graduates who have limited work experience. Quantify your accomplishments if you're able to.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Understanding Resume for Cna

Understanding Resume for Cna As you start to compose your nursing assistant resume, make sure to thoroughly review the work description and think creatively about the way to showcase your relevant abilities and experience. Whether you're just beginning your career or prepared for a change, now's the opportunity to think about turning into a Nurse Assistant. Try to remember that your resume is the very first step to a possible job so it's very important in order for it to be perfect in every manner. In any event, a certified nursing assistant job can be an excellent choice. If you think you are suitable for at least 1 occupation there, then you are going to want to create a concentrated resume for each job. Most candidates are writing that which we call a work description resume. Select your nouns for the job that you want, not the job you've got. You're so ready for your very first job for a phelbotomist! After learning what things to include in yours, you then need to go through the work description in order to learn what the provider is searching for in a person. Whether you're searching for your very first job or your next one, you want a resume that shows employers that you're a skilled professional. As soon as you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to talk about further whether you're going to be suitable. Your employer will be most interested in recognition relevant to your job, but be certain to list different awards also. The New Angle On Resume for Cna Just Released Or perhaps you just completed your CNA certificate and wish to manage sick kids. If you're asking for a job which isn't in the medical care field, emphasize skills like CPR and First Aid that will be helpful in any scenario. The function of the examination is to make certain that the student understands and can safely execute the job of an entry-level nurse aide. Recruiters don't have the time to review a CNA resume that doesn't fulfill their requirements. Therefore, a lot of people decide to go for a CNA job to acquire exposure to the nursing and healthcare industry. A good CNA should have empathy for different people and a great CNA should additionally not be squeamish! Whether you're an expert CNA or just getting started, you may benefit from taking a look at sample resumes from different CNAs and observing some basic guidelines to enhance your resume writing. You will want to have a mixture of healthcare and nursing certain skills in addition to some general skills to prove that you're a well-rounded employee. It isn't surprising that CNA skills are incredibly critical for a powerful resume. Communication skills are very significant in your CNA resume. Besides the forementioned details, it's important to realise that it's good to produce the look and feel of your resume attractive, it shouldn't be overdone in order to defeat its objective. If you're not certain how to phrase your skills, or in case you would like examples of objective statements, see some job websites for ideas. Remember everything you wind up doing exactly have a terrific moment! Most individuals are writing their resumes in rather generic terms that are very boring and non-informative for the reader. The 5-Minute Rule for Resume for Cna A career objective is a short statement that expresses your professional aim. At precisely the same time, the resume may als o convince the decision maker that they don't wish to learn anything further about you. Your resume should discuss the way the practical wisdom and hands-on training you received allow you to offer excellent patient care. Writing a resume for a career change is among the most difficult forms of resumes for the majority of people to write. Professional with expertise in hospice care seeks employment at Company X to help maintain a healthful atmosphere for patients so that they may be comfortable during the rest of their lives. As a C.N.A. you have to know that the area of health care is a very competitive and challenging field of work. In a long-term care facility the CNA cares for the exact same patient on a long duration of time and therefore learns each customer's needs, likes and dislikes in addition to the patient's family. Home health aides are accountable for patients residing in their homes or residential facilities.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Neutral View of Is Resume Now Free

A Neutral View of Is Resume Now Free The Good, the Bad and Is Resume Now Free It's true, you will continue to be in a position to edit and more. There's no precise length for a resume, and there's no standard to it. It's fast and simple to use. Go straight for what's pertinent to you. Employers want to get concrete skills. If you believe you are qualified for a a sales job and you already have all of the info you will need for a resume, have a look at these Sales Resume and give yourself an opportunity to submit an application for the job which you've always desired. Resumes give potential employers a means to learn about applicants quickly and readily, and they're your very first step toward new job opportunities. Choosing Is Resume Now Free Due to minimalist design you bring concentrate on the context. This completely free CV design gives a chance to express your very best qualities with a minimum quantity of words. Then it may be time to bring some style to your res ume! There's so many to pick from in his package that there's no use in describing a few of the features, since you'll certainly be able to get what you need within. The Do's and Don'ts of Is Resume Now Free The exact same principle goes for the true content. No matter your motivation, presenting an expert letter is able to help you reach your objective. Ultimately the decision is yours. There is not any time for procrastination once it comes to getting your perfect job. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. There's no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better prospect of standing from the crowd even supposing it's made utilizing a template. There are a few things that don't belong on a resume for work. However much or what type of work experience you've got, there's a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Your resume is among the main parts of your job application. There are lots of basic kinds of resumes used to make an application for job openings. To save a good deal of heartache later on, ensure that you use our resume builder to create a document that may be easily transferred to several job applications. Our resume builder isn't going to bother you with any type of annoying watermarks. Is Resume Now Free Help! Employers care much more about your successes, and the way you're able to mirror them at their company. They're based in the USA so don't fall below the identical scrutiny as UK and EU based online providers. You might believe that there are already dozens of free resume building services offered in the internet world. When you have written and organized your information according to the sort of resume you've chosen, be certain to format it according to typical professional standards. While all resumes should offer information on your work and education experience, and your abilities and accomplishments, there are various ways to present this info. A good example will be able to help you make a decision as to what information to include. Just take a closer look for more info. The True Meaning of Is Resume Now Free If you opt to click the links on our website, we might get compensation. The site will inform you exactly how many views your resume has. If you have to get help with a resume now, we've prepared an extremely straightforward guide for placing an orde r on the site. You may find a number of great resume templates, but you are going to have to decide if they're likely to help or hurt your odds of landing an interview. Again, use our cover letter templates and make certain to prevent easy mistakes at the very start of your letter, as you don't want employers to quit reading or drop interest till they reach your principal points. It's possible to enter your social websites profile address for an extra point of contact. You are able to create all the documents offered in addition to make future edits and updates on any or them all. Our completely free cover letter examples will provide you with a wonderful start. Actually, there might be many resume templates that fit your requirements. The Illustrator file makes the the majority of colour to assist its simplicity. A fundamental text editor free of charge, providing you a printable resume template. The mixture of our templates and your input is likely to make your resume f ly to the peak of any pile. Lies You've Been Told About Is Resume Now Free Building a resume isn't a task you may leave up to chance. The easy resume builder will supply you with instructions on the best way to fill in each blank space. You're able to use our professionally created resume templates and one-of-a-kind resume builder to swiftly and easily establish a standout resume. Get your fantasy job with the assistance of this absolutely free expert PSD freebie.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Top Functional Resume Example 2018 Reviews!

Top Functional Resume Example 2018 Reviews! On the flip side, functional resumes are ordinarily used by fresh graduates or those who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy. There are several completely different resume templates created for different jobs. On the contrary, it focuses on the skills you have developed that fit the demands of the job for which you're applying. If you like a functional resume, you must make sure to back up your skills with in depth descriptions. On the contrary, it highlights your abilities and abilities. Next, you will start to list your key abilities and abilities. Functional Resume Example 2018 Secrets The very last thing that you want to do is receive a job which you can't do. It's cool that you're searching for a job to have some money, but you need some difficulties with resume. It's far better use a functional resume when you wish to change work and at the very same time the work role and domain too. When you are searching for a new job, it is crucial to compose a great resume to receive your foot in the door. Keeping that in mind, here are a few basic tips that may provide you greater insight about ways to develop a functional resume which works for your special needs. Thus, don't make the error of creating a 1 size fits all sort of resume. If you don't have sufficient work experience, you should earn a functional resume instead of a chronological one. If you believe you have sufficient skills, but your career path isn't impressive, functional resume is the best option for you. Functional resumes are perfect for folks who don't have a great deal of work experience about the job they are applying for. They make it look like the applicant is trying to hide something from the recruiter. Again, you wish to make certain that your resume is readable. Creating a functional resume can be fascinating whenever you have the most suitable guideline to follow. Otherwise, your resume may get set aside immediately. If it comes to resume preparation, TopResume is here to assist. The skills summary has become the most important portion of writing a functional resume. Functional and conventional resumes aren't the only resume types to select from. Your Curriculum Vitae Examples for Administrative assistant needs to be an impressive advertising and marketing piece or it won't make it less difficult to get off to an exceptional start with a possible employer. There are several qualified applicants out there, and a superior presentation is essential as a way to stick out from the crowd. The resume summary will act as their sales pitch. There are many advantages of listing your work experience by skill category as opposed to by employer. If you've got a fairly good work history with just a few gaps, it's possible to generally list education following your employment details. If you'd like to see resume samples for one more business, you can view all our resume samples here. Even if your information is in bullet format, it may still be tough to quickly recognize the pertinent abilities and accomplishments which are important to the possible employer. While Canadian resumes are available in many unique formats, they share some standards that you ought to know about. The Lost Secret of Functional Resume Example 2018 Naturally, you are going to want to verify your prospective employer can contact you easily. The functional resume is organized by every skill and typically restricted to two or three general areas in order to not overwhelm th e prospective employer. The very first thing you ought to be aware of is that the duties of office clerks change from office to office. You may pick the template for the position that you want to apply. The Upside to Functional Resume Example 2018 There are a number of reasons why a functional resume might be proper for you. A functional resume ought to be utilized in numerous kinds of situations. For others, you may require a wholly new resume. Just take the opportunity to come up with a strong functional resume.